Fire extinguishers inspect the condition of firefighting equipment, including maintenance and testing of the equipment. The organization’s safety specialist or organization’s safety officer inspects, maintains, and tests fire extinguishers monthly as part of the overall fire extinguisher strategy.
Over 90% of commercial building fires are first extinguished with a fire extinguisher. Even a bad fire extinguisher can cost countless lives. The safety officer’s job is to regularly check fire extinguishers and keep up-to-date records to protect structures and people from fire hazards.
What is the Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection?
Unlike annual maintenance inspections conducted by professionals like First Quality Fire, monthly inspections are quick inspections that don’t require calling in professionals or using special equipment. But for your convenience, Corson can offer monthly tests.
While OSHA requires monthly workplace inspections for all portable fire extinguishers, homeowners would be wise to do the same for their home extinguishers. Employers should also ensure that monthly invoices are recorded.
Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspections: A Step-by-Step Checklist
A detailed examination is handed out for monthly fire extinguisher inspection.
Step 1: Go to the fire extinguisher and make sure it has the correct service mark.
Step 2: Make sure the extinguisher is charged and the pressure hand is in the “green” position. Check that the fire extinguisher on the cartridge is pressed.
- CO2 (carbon dioxide) extinguishers don’t have a pressure hand.
- For CO2 extensions, weigh the extensions to make sure they match the weight on the service tag.
Step 3: Make sure the fire extinguisher is hanging or out of sight.
Step 4: Check that the fire extinguisher cap is attached to the mask and that the fire extinguishers are securely in place and not damaged.
Step 5: Make sure the logo is visible and facing outward.
Step 6: Make sure the fire extinguisher is full. Check this by raising or lowering the device.
Step 7: Inspect the extinguisher for general physical condition, including signs of damage, corrosion, or vandalism.
Step 8: Finally, sign and submit the annual maintenance sticker. Prepare a complete monthly inspection report that includes the location of the fire, the date of the fire and any defects.
How Often Do Fire Extinguishers Need to Be Examined?
Fire extinguisher inspections should be performed during original installation and monthly later as needed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The examination frequency of fire extinguishers can be adjusted depending on the environment.
For illustration, the storehouse area should be regularly audited for damage, erosion, and other factors that could damage the fire extinguisher.
This month, the NFPA said fire extinguisher examinations must be proved for at least 12 months. The ID card or electronic file must show the month and year the test was taken and who took it.
Most Common Issues Identified During a Fire Extinguisher Inspection and What to Do
- Fire extinguisher location obstructed
Problem: When a firefighter gets stuck, it means the difference between life and death. Consider situations where a large fire extinguisher can be hidden behind furniture, office equipment, doors, or under desks and sinks.
Action: Immediately remove the obstruction or replace the fire extinguisher. Make sure it is easily visible to everyone. Place it in a natural path, such as a hallway or entrance/exit. Place under a bright fire sign.
- Fire extinguisher overcharged or undercharged
Problem: A proper fire extinguisher inspection has enough velocity to carry the chemical 10 to 20 feet. An overloaded spark plug can cause the cylinder to leak or, worse, explode. A weak charge can be just as dangerous and will not extinguish the fire.
Action: Immediately send the bottle to the manufacturer for replacement/return.
- The cylinder has dents and/or rust
Problem: Because fire extinguishers are rarely used, wet or corrosive environments can cause physical damage, excessive activity, or accidental shock. Damage to the body can cause dangerous problems or even explosions.
Action: Send the cylinder to the manufacturer immediately for replacement.
Everyone feels safe when they’ve got a fire extinguisher at home or at work. But a monthly fire extinguisher inspection is useless if it does not do its job duly. That’s why it’s important to check fire extinguishers once a month.
However, if you feel that you and/or your staff need better training in the proper use and conservation of fire extinguishers, we can help if you have fire extinguishers that bear care and conservation.
Also Read: What You Need to Know About Fire Extinguisher Inspections?